New Delhi: Purva Aggarwal, Founder of Ed-FinTech start-up Good Good Piggy, is on a mission to educate pre-teens about money management but in a unique way. Financial literacy is a vital life skill that is mostly overlooked. Good Good Piggy aims to cover that gap and transform the traditional concept of the piggy bank into a digitized version that does more than just store coins.
More and more kids are using digital platforms for education, entertainment and everything else. This is opening the path towards new issues such as instant gratification, click sensitivity etc. Ed-FinTech startup Good Good Piggy will enable kids to learn money management skills in an applicable way. The company focuses on digital finance because of upward fintech trends and further digitization of financial matters, regarding the future of money as entirely digital.
Purva Aggarwal recognizes the importance of creating a tool that parents can trust. In that regard, Good Good Piggy is entirely customisable and controlled by the parent. Good Good Piggy focuses on reinforcing good behaviour and developing skills. Completing her MSC. Investment Banking and Finance from UK – Purva started Good Good Piggy in April 2021 with the mission to enable a more financially responsible generation.
She says, “Good Good Piggy will financially educate the world by making it more interactive, fun and comprehensive for kids. As financial education in India is lacking, there are very few practical methods to reinforce money values so they stick with them for life. With Good Good Piggy, we aim to help kids develop positive money habits at a formative age so as to set the right foundation for future financial decisions and thereby help India create a responsible and forward-looking generation.”
Purva was recently seen in the popular show The Shark Tank India – pitching her dream project. “Our vision is to create a value-based ecosystem for children, teaching not only money values but also promoting self-esteem, self-responsibility and accountability. We want to help parents raise future adults who can take care of themselves and thrive independently because we understand that independence and responsibility are key factors in anticipating success.”
Purva is the first female soloprenuer in India and third globally to enter the ‘children’s online banking & wallet’ space with her startup. As India’s first disruptive Ed-FinTech start-up for pre-teenagers – Good Good Piggy positions itself as a digital piggy bank and behavioural rewards platform doubling up as an investment channel to form good habits while contributing towards kids’ financial security.