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Tag: Promoting Action

World Hepatitis Day: Raising Awareness and Promoting Action

World Hepatitis Day, observed annually on July 28th, is a global event dedicated to raising awareness about hepatitis and its impact on millions of lives worldwide. This day seeks to educate the public about the different types of hepatitis—A, B, C, D, and E—and to promote preventative measures, testing, and treatment options. It also highlights the need for improved healthcare access and policies to combat this often overlooked but serious health issue. By uniting communities and encouraging dialogue, World Hepatitis Day aims to reduce stigma, increase funding for research, and ultimately work towards the goal of eliminating hepatitis as a public health threat. Through collective efforts and increased awareness, the day serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight against this global epidemic.

 With World Hepatitis Day on 28th July, Mr. Pravin Agrawal, Founder, TPAF, and Vice Chairman & Whole-time Director, STL emphasizes the foundation’s commitment to mitigating the impact of hepatitis through proactive measures and comprehensive strategies. His insights highlight the urgent need for collective action and the foundation’s pivotal role in providing resources and support for effective treatment options. Hepatitis remains a pressing global health challenge, with India bearing a significant portion of the burden. The Pravin Agarwal Foundation (TPAF) is at the forefront of efforts to combat this disease, focusing on spreading awareness, fostering understanding, and facilitating critical healthcare interventions.

 “Hepatitis is a global health challenge that demands our collective efforts. India accounts for nearly 15% of the global Hepatitis B virus (HBV) burden, with an estimated 40 million people living with chronic Hepatitis B. Hepatitis C (HCV) also poses a significant threat, affecting approximately 6 to 12 million Indians. Despite these alarming figures, awareness and diagnosis rates remain low, leading to delayed treatment and increased risk of severe liver diseases. Children remain the most vulnerable with their weakened immunity and unawareness of first-time parents. By taking proactive measures and supporting comprehensive strategies, we can make a significant impact and move towards a hepatitis-free future for all. India has been able to fight back Polio, so combatting Hepatitis is not impossible.

 At The Pravin Agarwal Foundation (TPAF), we believe that by spreading knowledge, fostering understanding, and encouraging regular screenings, we can mitigate the impact of this disease. TPAF has been able to facilitate over 500 PLTs (Pediatric Liver Transplants) since its inception, having contributed over INR 10 crores directly as funds for the surgeries. We are also focussed on increasing our national footprint by expanding our partnership to more public hospital across States. At TPAF, we are dedicated to providing resources, supporting research, and partnering with healthcare providers to ensure accessible and effective treatment options for children from weakened social sections in India.” – Attributed to, Mr. Pravin Agrawal, Founder, TPAF, and Vice Chairman & Whole-time Director, STL