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Fi partners with Majlis to launch Love Language Translator campaign on Instagram

business Mar 10, 2023

Love Language Translator campaign

Mumbai/ Bengaluru, March 2023: Bengaluru-based fintech, Fi Money partnered with Majlis, a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting and promoting women and children’s rights, to create a ground-breaking campaign on Instagram. The Love Language Translator campaign seeks to raise awareness about financial abuse in relationships and empower women with the knowledge and resources to take action.

The campaign leverages Instagram’s translation feature on Instagram stories to enable users to read real stories of financial abuse and translate them in real-time. The campaign features curated and sourced stories from women who have experienced financial abuse in relationships, put together in a fictional setting to showcase how women have been conditioned to think that these are normal instances in relationships.

The Love Language Translator campaign launched on International Women’s Day witnessed incredible traction. Fi Money integrated this in the app with their AI-powered bot where users can ask specific queries like ‘What is financial abuse? What can I do if I’m in a financially abusive relationship?’ and put together resources with Majlis to help users out.

Sujith Narayanan, CEO, Fi Money, said, “As the general discourse in India shifts towards wealth creation and financial independence, it’s also important for us to recognise the less empowered. Financial abuse is commonplace in many settings but is barely ever visible. Being a money management platform, we think this is the right occasion to highlight one of the most common problems faced by women, related to financial literacy and financial independence. We hope this will start the conversation in the right direction towards a more aware and empowered future for Indian women.”

According to the Supreme Court of India, economic abuse is punishable by law under the Domestic Violence act. The problem is that most women don’t know what economic abuse is and don’t realise that they can take legal action. In a patriarchal culture where women have the primary role of caregiver and the male members have the primary role of managing the finances, it is normal for the man of the house to have control over money and financial decisions, which makes it all the more difficult for someone to identify or realise that economic abuse is a real problem.