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Budget Expectations -2022 – IV

business Jan 21, 2022

UBON – Mr. Mandeep Arora , Managing Director – Consumer Tech Industry

This year, the government is expected to take a progressive step towards making India a hub for the manufacture and export of electronic devices. Consumer electronics product export incentives and low GST. At the same time, analysts expect import tariffs on certain components to continue to rise. I think it’s time to go beyond that, we believe that the budget needs to focus more on value creation, including special incentives and subsidies for consumer electronics and component manufacturing. We all agree that India has strong goodwill in the world market. The country will have immense growth opportunities by taking advantage of innovative new technological aspects that facilitate the lives and governance of its citizens. We want a stronger impetus for reinventing the Digital India campaign with better reach, faster, more efficient technology, and a planned schedule.

Candes – Mr. Vipin Agarwal, Co-Founder – Consumer Durables 

With the budget approaching we expect the government to rationalize the tax slabs for the consumer durables. Also to promote R&D and provide incentives for the local manufacturers. With Covid-19 affecting the supply and demand both, the industry seeks support from the government.

VingaJoy – Mr Lalit Arora, Co- Founder – Consumer Tech Industry 

The year 2021 was a challenging one for every sector due to the Pandemic situation. Hence, there’re a lot of expectations from the Central Government about its new policies, and if they would announce sops for the industries to sustain. We hope that the upcoming budget will have provisions for strengthening the entire system and take progressive initiatives such as ‘Make in India’ & ‘Digital India’. In the upcoming budget, we are hopeful that the Government would continue extending its valuable support as initiated in the first term with the implementation of uniform GST, ‘Make in India’, besides offering a host of other initiatives that would help industries to come back to the platforms. Industries to develop newer technology in order to launch innovative products in order to compete with the current market scenario