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Cybersecurity Awareness Month Quotes on Behalf of Happiest Minds Technologies, NetApp and Sophos

business Oct 26, 2023

Happiest Minds Technologies:

“Cybersecurity Awareness Month serves as a critical reminder of the importance of protecting digital assets in today’s interconnected world. As the theme of this year is “Secure Our World”, Happiest Minds Technologies has integrated Gen AI and other technologies into its cybersecurity offerings to help its customers to stay ahead of the curve and protect themselves from the latest cyber threats.

As a digital transformation and IT Solutions Company, recognizing the significance of roles like the Chief Zero Trust Officer (CZTO) ensures that security remains a top priority, instilling trust among stakeholders and customers alike. A CZTO will safeguard reputation, enhance resilience, and foster a cybersecurity awareness culture. They will oversee the implementation and maintenance of the zero-trust framework within an organization

At Happiest Minds Technologies, we believe that cybersecurity is not just a one-time event. It is an ongoing process that requires continuous vigilance and education. We are committed to helping our customers and employees build a safer digital future. During this Cybersecurity Awareness month, let’s collectively renew our dedication to cybersecurity. By embracing robust security practices and recognizing the pivotal role of the CZTO, we can create a safer digital environment that empowers businesses to thrive amid ever-evolving cyber threats.”

Vijay Bharti, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Senior Vice President of Cyber Security practice, Happiest Minds Technologies


“Data is businesses’ most valuable (and hence vulnerable) asset today. Advanced technologies like AI and ML will help drive data-driven decisions, further accelerating business growth. That said, both end users and technology providers will need to exercise caution and look at the vulnerabilities that come with the use of these technologies.

Emerging technologies can be akin to two sides of the same coin. While technology providers leverage it to thwart attacks, attackers use AI to launch attacks that are harder to detect.

Today ransomware is one of the biggest threats to data security, with attacks and attackers getting more sophisticated. Recent data by SonicWall shows a 133% rise in ransomware and a 311% increase in IoT attacks in India alone. As solution providers, we need to fortify the landscape as much as possible and be able to anticipate evolving threats and test our resilience against them.

Gartner predicts that by 2024, organisations adopting a robust cybersecurity architecture will reduce the financial impact of security incidents by an average of 90%. As a means of addressing such challenges, we recommend monitoring for abnormalities in the storage solutions, post which its access to the main network can be cut off while taking remedial measures.”

– Puneet Gupta, Vice President & Managing Director, NetApp


“This month marks the 20th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month with governments and industries worldwide coming together to increase awareness of cybersecurity challenges and threats. The 2023 theme for Cybersecurity Awareness Month is “Secure Our World” – emphasizing how individuals, families, and small- to medium-sized businesses can bolster cybersecurity through simple, but critical, measures. These include setting stronger passwords, activating multi-factor authentication, recognizing and reporting phishing attacks, and regularly updating software.

The digital transformation sweeping every facet of our lives is mirrored by an ever-evolving online threat landscape. The Sophos The State of Ransomware report for 2023 reveals that 73% of organizations in India that responded to our survey have reported being hit by ransomware in 2022. Therefore, it is critical for all businesses to implement robust cybersecurity solutions capable of detecting and responding to threats in real time. It is also incumbent on each and every individual, in their personal and professional capacities, to maintain constant vigilance and to take precautionary measures to safeguard our collective digital sphere against malicious” actors. Together, we can secure our world.

– Sunil Sharma, Vice President, Sales, Sophos India & SAARC