Ahmedabad, 24th November 2021: MYBYK, India’s largest bicycle sharing service, is on a mission to make our cities liveable again by providing equitable and sustainable mobility to the masses.
Click here to watch the video (Instagram Link): https://www.instagram.com/tv/CWgDkeBDShA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/OJvve3r_dWo
The startup has recently expanded its fleet of pedal bicycles from 1500 to 5000+ in Ahmedabad across a network of 500+ hubs as part of its vision to make the city India’s first bicycle capital. The development is part of the ‘Let’s Unlock’ campaign- a 360-degree outreach that aims to inspire people to take action for better health and the future with MYBYK.
The idea behind the Let’s Unlock campaign is to help commuters realize the above value proposition, i.e., UNLOCK – health, happiness and the convenience of commute with MYBYK. Renowned comedian Manan Desai has been roped in to introduce and explain MYBYK and its features. The campaign will also feature short films and influencer activity to build a strong brand recall.
“We believe bicycles are a great way to move around for short commutes of up to 1-2 km. For long commutes, we have partnered with Smart City Ahmedabad to set up a network of Drop & Pick bicycle stations for seamless first and last-mile connectivity,” said Arjit Soni, Founder &CEO, MYBYK.
“In a nutshell, users can ride MYBYK and go directly from their home to their destination or drop the bike at any of the BRTS Hubs in Ahmedabad and similarly pick another bike to ride to their destination. All for just Rs. 499/month,” he added.
The startup has commissioned integrated marketing agency Zero Gravity Communications for this campaign.
“MYBYK is not in the business of cycles; it is in the business of cycling. The brand is encouraging individuals to use cycling for their different daily commute needs. Having worked with the brand since its inception, we have an in-depth understanding of consumer behaviour. MYBYK has been around for some time; hence we now have the scale and penetration in Ahemdabad However, there is not much awareness on how to use the services. Hence campaign communication is designed with the approach of Info-(enter)tainment,” said Khushboo Sharma, Founder, Zero Gravity Communications.