Cyber Hyderabad, August  2023…..FLO(FICCI Ladies Organisation) organised a session “Unlocking Cyber Secrets’, on Safe Guarding Against Digital Threats with three top cyber expert police officers of Telangana Police at Integrated Control and Command Center at Jubilee Hills on Friday

The session was inaugurated by Mr. CV Anand, Police Commissioner, Hyderabad

Giving her opening remarks, Ritu Shah, Chairperson of FLO said, Cybersecurity is a social responsibility. We all have a role to play, she said quoting Magda Chelly, a noted expert on Cyber security.

We are living in an age where technology seamlessly intertwines with every facet of our lives. From the moment we wake up to the time we rest our heads on our pillows, technology accompanies us like a steadfast companion. Cybersecurity is the bedrock upon which our digital society rests, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and systems that shape our modern existence. It’s a profound honor to welcome you to this distinguished panel discussion, “Unlocking Cyber Secrets, Safeguarding Against Digital Threats”, she said.

This discussion promises to unveil insights, strategies, and solutions to protect our digital landscape, she added.

Participating in the panel discussion moderated by Mr. Santosh Kaveti, CEO and Founder of ProArch, Ms. Sneha Mehra, IPS, DCP Cyber Crimes, Hyderabad; Dr B. Anuradha, DCP Cyber Crimes, Rachakonda, and Ms. Ritraj, DCP Cyber Crimes, Cyberabad, said people must be able to differentiate who is a foe and who is a friend. Most of the victims of Cyber Fraud, it is very sad to note that are well-educated. 95 percent of them are highly qualified. And 80 percent of them are Software professionals.

Cybercrimes are happening because of a lack of logical thinking, and awareness. People must use common sense, they added

Another reason for becoming a victim of many cyber frauds is a lack of Cyber Hygiene. The practices and steps that users of computers and other devices need to take regular initiatives to maintain system health and improve online security. These practices, said Ms. Sneha, are often part of a routine to ensure the safety of identity and other details that could be stolen or corrupted.

Safe Cyber Transactions must become part of your daily conversations, advised Ms Sneha Mehra.

Cyber Criminals use public fear, greed, and guilt as their opportunities and their weapons to cheat people. You must be aware of this fact. If somebody promises easy money, the simple thing is to use your common sense. Illiterate people are safe because they use common sense. But unfortunately, many learned people who are falling prey to these cyber crooks are not using their minds. Think before you act, Dr Anuradha said.

She narrated how a woman who returned from abroad recently fell prey to a part-time job racket and lost rupees two crores a couple of days back in Rachakonda, and is now living in guilt for ignorantly sharing a ten-second nude video to come out of the mess she landed in. She is now being counseled by a professional appointed by Rachakonda Police

When she approached the police along with her husband, it was too late and seamsters siphoned of the booty through 100 different accounts the money had gone down through 30 layers and the police were helpless, Dr. Anuradha added

Another sad thing is despite being social animals, many people in these kinds of situations suffer in silence and don’t share with any of their family members and friends.

Santosh, the moderator reminded 150 plus FLO members of the Thirty Crow story and advised them not to be greedy and get tempted by easy money offers. They must cross-check, verify and consult experts before they act upon them. If the crow could use its common sense so as we, he said.

Another fraud that is trending off-late is that cybercriminals are taking the help of ChatGPT to draft alluring and tempting messages, offers that you are bound to take seriously. So be aware of these trends and act accordingly, he said

Ritraj said cyber crimes are becoming more organised. They are trying to get more professionals.

Referring to many calls people receive in the disguise of SBI Bank, she said, no public sector bank like SBI calls you at odd hours or after bank hours. They don’t call you from a private number. They don’t use social media to communicate. She advised people to think logically and act, she said.

By Sujata