Mars Petcare   Flynt Logo

New Delhi, 15th June: and MARS Petcare recently collaborated on two unique campaigns – #6WeeksChallenge and #PedigreeCleanBowlChallenge, to spread the message regarding canine nutrition. It’s important that pet owners make the right choices in terms of nutrition and as one of the world’s leading dog food brands, Pedigree has taken the initiative to convince pet parents about this and to highlight the benefits of feeding their dogs Pedigree in place of home-cooked food to notice a visible transformation in their health.

For the #6WeeksChallenge, flynt shot with Shikhar Dhawan, Yuzvendra & Dhanashree Chahal, Dinesh Karthik & Dipika Palllikal at their homes in the company of their pets, dancing along to the jingle in colorful outfits, while talking about the health benefits they have noticed and encouraging their followers to take up the challenge to win a Taj staycation. With over 7 million combined Instagram views for the three #6WeekChallenge videos at an Engagement Rate of 12.5% and an Organic Reach Rate of 12.25%, flynt was able to achieve numbers higher than the industry average.

For the #PedigreeCleanBowlChallenge, flynt and Pedigree collaborated with influencers such as Alaya F, Shanaya Kapoor & Namrata Sheth to promote the campaign which talks about Pedigree’s gravy accompaniment for pet food that ensures a dog’s nutrition & hydration in the hot summer months. The ongoing campaign has already generated over 1.6 million views at an ER of 10.39% and an Organic Reach Rate of 38.1%.

Madhur Khanna, Marketing Director at MARS Petcare India said, “Pedigree has always been a strong advocate for optimal and best-suited nutrition for pets and is committed to bringing advanced global research and products to India. The #6WeeksChallenge campaign aligns perfectly with our brand purpose of creating a better world for pets. Through the #6WeeksChallenge and the #PedigreeCleanBowlChallenge, we aimed to convince pet owners that there’s a healthier, time-saving and cost-effective solution to your dog’s nutritional needs. With these campaigns, we wanted to generate maximum visibility for what Pedigree stands for while encouraging followers to sign up and stay in touch with their pet’s transformation through our digital platforms!”

New-age pet owners are a discerning group, who care as much about their pet’s food as they do about their own. “Pedigree has a global reputation for being the top choice in dog food and combining that with the authentic voices of celebrity pet owners helped us to maximize the reach for both campaigns. We were very diligent about picking the right celebrities who are known for being animal lovers. With the IPL around the corner, we also felt it was a great time to leverage cricketers with pets to amplify our message. We were able to rope in Dhanashree & Dipika to give their respective videos a ‘family’ vibe. At flynt, we try to integrate every influencer campaign with a larger goal and we’re excited to continue this collaboration with MARS Petcare in the upcoming months!” – Anshul Duggal, Founder & CEO at

By Sujata