(L-R) A. Mahendran (Chairman at Keybridge), Kokila Dani (Co-Founder and COO, USA at Keybridge) Amod Dani (Co-Founder and COO, India at Keybridge), Amol Dani (Co-Founder and CEO, India at Keybridge)

(L-R) A. Mahendran (Chairman at Keybridge), Kokila Dani (Co-Founder and COO, USA at Keybridge) Amod Dani (Co-Founder and COO, India at Keybridge), Amol Dani (Co-Founder and CEO, India at Keybridge)

November 2022: India we know today is growing into a knowledge economy amid the increasing use of technology. But there is a massive mismatch between formal education and job requirements in modern workplaces. As per the latest India Skills Report, 75% of corporate leaders from 150 corporations across more than 15 industries and sectors believe a skill gap exists in their industry. The talent crunch is further worsened by high unemployability, as only 46.2% of the youth surveyed in the report were found to be employable.

Considering this talent shortage, visionary education leader and strategist Amol Dani has built a unique edtech platform under the parent entity Keybridge Global Education that can bridge the gap between education and employability outcomes using technology as an enabling mechanism. The platform aims to transform education by offering learner-centric skills development programs to help professionals take control of their career journeys.

Amol has more than 17 years of experience in higher education. As a student and practitioner of the globalisation of higher education, he successfully launched professional and executive education programs to enhance employability outcomes for individuals and organisations that participated in such programs. This passion for the globalisation of higher education inspired Amol to pursue the current venture where Keybridge Global Education is poised to bridge the gap between education and employability outcomes on a continual basis. He recently left Georgetown University after 17 years of service to build the consumer-first edtech venture on a full-time basis with his three other co-founders, A. Mahendran (Chairman), Amod Dani (Co-Founder and COO, India) and Kokila Dani (Co-Founder and COO, USA).

While Amol focuses on education strategy, education technology, product development, finance and investment, besides focusing on managing Keybridge Global Education, Amod concentrates on in-country program operations, delivery and stakeholder engagement. Amod is also globally responsible for marketing and brand building, public relations and technology operations. Meanwhile, Kokila Dani spearheads the company’s in-country program operations, delivery and stakeholder engagement in the United States. She is also globally responsible for human capital management strategy and relationships with Keybridge’s academic partners.

The edtech platform targets early to mid-career professionals who feel disillusioned and helpless about their professional growth or overall success. Without guidance, they settle for an existing course template that may or may not work in their favour.

Sharing his idea behind the setting up the edtech platform, Amol Dani, the Co-Founder and CEO of Keybridge Global Education said, “A substantial period of my professional time was spent in the education industry, figuring out a way to globalize higher education by bridging the gap between the East and the West. While the West has great academic institutions, the East has some emerging needs. We have been striving to make both ends meet in a brick-and-mortar format. But post-pandemic, we all noticed the phenomenal rise of online learning. This was when we came up with the idea of an edtech brand that would bring the best of the universities from the West and plug the employability gap in emerging markets like India, where there is a massive demand for skills-based education. Keybridge, as the name suggests, is here to emerge as the key to bridging the education and employability gap and unlocking the full potential of Indian learners and professionals.”

With the parent company headquartered in the US, India is Keybridge Global Education’s first competitive market for launching its edtech platform. The start-up has already collaborated with top global universities, reputed academics from leading international universities, corporate veterans, heuristic and technology experts, working together to create value for learners through unique experiences that will help them succeed as professionals.

Both Amol and Amod are now striving to make the platform more personalised and expand beyond India towards other geographies in the future, including the Middle East, United States and Africa.

“During our journey of building our product, we also discovered demand for it from the United States. So we are also expecting to introduce the product and platform there as well. Besides geographical expansion, we are also planning for vernacular expansion within India in the future. Since have built a self-paced learning model, we believe we can scale and expand the use of the platform in different regional languages in India. After all, our core proposition is to bridge the gap between education and employability at large,” added Amol.

Keybridge Global Education is determined to use technology to constantly innovate and transform learning and its impact on employability outcomes in India. With Amol and Amod at its helm, the duo foresee making the edtech platform a career-building partner for all working professionals, inspiring them never to stop learning.