November 16th is the International Day for Tolerance, a day designated by the United Nations to promote mutual understanding and respect among people of different cultures, religions, and backgrounds. Tolerance is not only a moral duty, but also a social and political necessity for peace, stability, and development in the world.

But what does tolerance mean, and how can we practice it in our daily lives? Tolerance is not the same as indifference or acceptance of everything. It does not mean that we have to agree with or like everyone. It means that we respect the human rights and dignity of others, even if we disagree with their views or actions. It means that we refrain from violence, discrimination, or hatred towards those who are different from us. It means that we try to understand and appreciate the diversity of human beings and their cultures.

Tolerance is not a passive attitude, but an active one. It requires us to challenge stereotypes, prejudices, and intolerance in ourselves and others. It requires us to stand up for human rights and speak out against injustice. It requires us to educate ourselves and others about the value of diversity and the benefits of dialogue.

There are many ways to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance and to foster a culture of tolerance in our communities. Here are some ideas:

  •  Learn about other cultures, religions, and perspectives. Read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, or attend events that expose you to different ways of thinking and living.
  •  Engage in dialogue with people who are different from you. Seek to understand their experiences, opinions, and feelings. Listen with empathy and curiosity, without judging or imposing your views. Ask questions, share your own stories, and find common ground.
  •  Support organizations that work for tolerance, human rights, and social justice. Donate, volunteer, or advocate for causes that promote diversity, inclusion, and peace. Join campaigns or movements that challenge discrimination, racism, or violence.
  •  Express your appreciation for diversity and tolerance. Write a blog post, a social media post, or a letter to the editor about why tolerance matters to you. Share your own experiences of learning from or being tolerant of others. Recognize and celebrate the contributions of people from different backgrounds or cultures to your community or society.
  •  Be tolerant of yourself. Recognize that you are not perfect and that you may have biases or prejudices that need to be addressed. Be open to feedback and criticism from others. Be willing to change your views or behaviors if they are harmful or disrespectful to others. Be kind and compassionate to yourself and others.

Tolerance is not something that we are born with or that we can take for granted. It is something that we have to learn, practice, and nurture every day. By doing so, we can make the world a better place for everyone.

Sujata Muguda
Shreyas WebMedia Solutions

By Sujata