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PR Pundit Rolls Out ‘alchemy’ – an Innovative Case Study Challenge for Young Communications Practitioners

business May 16, 2023
PR Pundit Rolls Out ‘alchemy’ - an Innovative Case Study Challenge for Young Communications Practitioners

New Delhi, 16 May 2023: Marking its 25th year milestone, PR Pundit, the award-winning integrated communications consultancy announced ‘Alchemy’ an annual case study challenge for young professionals in the communications field. The initiative aims to recognize and celebrate the new generation of creative talent & voices from around the country and deepen industry support to help advance and amplify the young turks.

The participants will be given a situational challenge to develop an effective PR programme. A prestigious jury of leading marketing and corporate communication experts will judge the entries on various pre-identified parameters.

The Alchemy case study challenge supported by Comms News, Reputation Today and PRovoke Media, will have three winner duos who will get an opportunity to be felicitated at PRAXIS 2023 in Chennai sponsored by the organising committee and the front rankers will get once in a lifetime opportunity to be invited for an all-expense paid trip to an international communications conference.

The case study challenge is FREE (no entry fee) and OPEN to all PR practitioners aged 30 or below 30 who are residents of India via a process of self-nomination. Alchemy welcomes participation from a two member team of any combination (from a PR firm and/or corporate background/or a brand or participative collaboration in any other form). For more details please log on to www.prpundit.com/ and https://reputationtoday.in/alchemy/ interested candidates can send their intent of participation at alchemy@prpundit.com. The last date to receive confirmation for participation is June 10, 2023.

Commenting on the initiative, Archana Jain, Managing Director, PR Pundit, said, “There is no denying that creative solutions are more effective, creative brands more successful and creative communications more impactful. As creativity has become a driving force for business, for change and for good in the world, we would like to channelise our annual initiative ‘Alchemy’ to offer young PR professionals a platform to demonstrate their disruptive ideas. At PR Pundit, we have reaped the benefits of integrating consumer, community and culture to lend wings to our communications approach, driven by our young army of inspired, ingenious & imaginative talent. We would therefore like to catalyse this culture of imaginative thinking industry-wide. With ‘Alchemy’, we aim to present India’s fraternity of young PR professionals a platform to demonstrate their disruptive communication strategies.”