Road Safety Week celebration

“According to the latest survey conducted by traffic police, atleast 268 people were killed in road accidents in Mumbai, which was 30 per cent less than year 2021 as a result of various measures taken by the Mumbai Police. Following the road safety measures are as important as enforcing them. As citizens, it is our duty to adhere to the rules made in our interest. Kangaroo Kids, as a part of their curriculum teaches children to be responsible and aware since early years. To honour the efforts of Mumbai police and in celebration of Road Safety Week, Kangaroo Kids invited Police Officers from Meghwadi Police Station to visit their centre and extended their gratitude to Mumbai Police for creating awareness among Parents, Teachers and Learners regarding road safety, social media awareness and child safety. With exposure to various activities, Kangaroo Kids made children understand the significance of following the road safety measures. They also took to the streets chanting safety slogans to spread awareness in the locality.”

By Sujata