BBIT Public School

Mr. K.K Gupta, Vice Chairman, BBIT Public School

Mr. K.K Gupta, Vice Chairman, BBIT Public School said

The Co-ordinators and the Heads of the Departments started coming to school since September 2021 to monitor repair of the classrooms, arrangement of teaching-learning spaces, planning curriculum and activities for the offline mode of the school. The management has ensured that all teachers, admin staff and attendants are fully vaccinated. The teaching and the non-teaching staffs have been instructed to report to school one hour prior to the commencement of classes to oversee that there is no crowding at the gates, corridors, urinals, playground and near drinking water supplies. Special sitting arrangement with social distancing norms has been planned. Isolation room has been identified and properly sanitised and equipped with bed to be used if any one suddenly falls sick.