Joy Of Giving Mumbai, 15 December 2023: In a bid to foster a sense of environmental consciousness and community bonding, Jasudben ML School (JML) and Bloomingdales Pre-Primary recently organized a heartwarming shoe collection drive, marking it a part of their ‘Joy of Giving’ celebration. Beyond merely collecting shoes, this drive aimed to instil values of empathy, sustainability, and climate responsibility in students, kickstarting a journey towards nurturing socially responsible global citizens from a young age.

Through the collaborative effort of parents and students, over 500 pairs of pre-owned shoes were collected. These shoes found a new lease on life through the Greensoles NGO, which refurbishes them before distributing them to those in need.

Principal Damayanti Bhattacharya, the driving force behind this inspiring initiative, highlighted the significance of community engagement in such endeavours. She remarked, “We believe in collective efforts and teaching our young learners the essence of giving back and caring for our planet. This initiative mirrors our commitment to fostering socially aware, environmentally conscious citizens.”

Inspired by the project, the Pre-Primary students at Bloomingdales Pre-Primary made a generous cash contribution. Their donations were utilized to purchase essential food items for the dedicated school support and security staff, nurturing a sense of care and empathy among the young learners.

This shoe collection drive represents just one facet of the school’s dedication to eco-friendly activities. Over the years, students have actively participated in various environmentally-conscious projects, including visits to the Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Centre in Airoli, creating eco-bricks, collecting linen and plastic, and organising an e-waste drive with My Green Society. Notably, they collected a significant 32 kg of electronic waste, contributing to its responsible disposal and recycling.

Expanding upon the success of the Joy of Giving shoe collection drive, JML and Bloomingdales Pre-Primary initiated multiple compassionate projects. For instance, Class 4 students made cash donations to the National Association for the Blind (NAB) and visited their facility, gaining valuable insights into the lives of the visually impaired. Other classes successfully raised over INR 2 lakhs, supporting various causes while reinforcing the school’s commitment to nurturing socially conscious and environmentally responsible global citizens. These organizations included DEEDS NGO, Manav Seva Sangh Child Centre), BMC School, Hands that Heal NGO, and the Association for the Welfare of Mentally Challenged, Maharashtra (AWMH) . Continuing their journey towards a brighter, more compassionate future, JML and Bloomingdales Pre-Primary remain steadfast in their dedication to shaping young hearts and minds for a greener and more empathetic world.

By Sujata