Mumbai, 1st Feb 2024: The recently-released series on Amazon miniTV – Amazon’s free video streaming service, Badi Heroine Banti Hai, captivates the viewers with its concept and engaging plot. The story revolves around Kajal from Ludhiana, who comes to Bombay to intern at the renowned design house Veer Singhania Designs. Her life turns upside-down as she gets fired her on the first day of her job but also gets designated as the company’s heir on the same day. As a result, Kajal and Advait’s polar opposite personalities get intertwined in a game of love and blame.
Rajeev Siddhartha who essays the role of Advait Singhania recollects the times when he was away from his hometown and talks about his first job, here’s what the actor said “Since I was five years old, I have gone through every phase of attending a boarding school. After spending a significant amount of time away from my parents while I was a child, I have become accustomed to being on my own. Similar to Kajal, who relocated from a small town to a big city, I, too, moved from one place to another to attend school and college, which for me was an amazing experience.
“When I was doing my MBA, between those two years I had to do an internship, so I worked as an intern at a financial firm. The people around me were very good and supportive. Luckily, unlike Kajal, I didn’t pick ten cups of coffee at once. It was hectic yet very fulfilling,” he further added as he candidly spoke about his internship days.
Created by Gul Khan, Badi Heroine Banti Hai features Prerna Lisa, Rajeev Siddhartha, Nehal Chudasama, and Utkarsh Kohli in pivotal roles. The series is streaming exclusively on Amazon miniTV for free, available on Amazon’s shopping app, on Fire TV, and Play Store.