by Dr Suresh Sankar, A leading Nephrologist and Senior VP of Clinical Affairs, NephroPlus
The recent COVID-19 havoc nearly assaulted the incompetent global health commitment. Along with the demands of COVID care, the cases of associated non-communicable diseases (NCDs) reported a surge, compounding the already insufficient health services of diagnostic, disease management, and maintenance. Due to the limited capacity of health services and inadequate public health funds, the health fraternity was determined only to manage the growing disease management needs, thereby ignoring the bulging need for preventive care of NCDs. The cohort of disease management strategies only involved the most recognized group of NCDs: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and various respiratory illnesses.
However, World kidney Day pointed out that, about 55% of the global disease burden is attributed to diseases outside the recognized cohort, such as chronic kidney disease (CKD). Since there is no actual care or a strategized treatment to cease the possible progression of CKD, the high prevalence of CKD may lead to a global epidemic, thereby shooting up the need for big-budget dialysis and kidney transplantation treatments.
Realizing the need for preventative strategies and individual steps to prioritize prevention, early detection, and management of CKD, aimed at #WillToWin, Dr. Suresh Sankar, Consultant Nephrologist, of NephroPlus would like to address the alarming issues of unique lifestyle patterns, social blockages, and the incompetence of health services and policies about life-threatening CKD.
Discussion points:
· As the theme says, what unexpected medical events related to kidney burden should we be prepared for?
· Gaps in health services related to accessibility to kidney care and availability of treatment resources
· Misconceptions of premature kidney disease affliction
· Significance of kidney health in healthy body performance
· What are individual-level steps to be taken to protect the kidneys?
· What are the body signs to be studied that indicate kidney dysfunctions?
· Causes and symptoms of kidney care
· Simple tips to look after your kidneys every day