Osho sannyasins celebrated the 90th birthday of their Guru across the country on December 11th, 2021. This group of people are endearingly wild with the amount they laugh, dance and sit silently. This birthday, sannyasins from Osho Dham, Delhi who have been against the sale of Osho ashram in Pune wrote an open letter to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India – Shri Narendra Modi apprising him of the various irregularities happening in Pune by the current trustees of the ashram. They have requested Shri Modiji to set up an independent enquiry into the workings of Osho Ashram, Pune.

This letter highlights the financial frauds made worth Rs.1,800/- crores, editing Osho books, denying access to the Samadhi at the ashram, transferring personal belongings of Osho abroad and even forging his will.

Osho has talked to the world about meditation and yet be in the market place. His sannyasins who are committed to meditate and celebrate their life can also stand strong to save the abode of their beloved Master.