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Tag: Apollo Hospitals

Apollo Hospitals becomes first in the Asia Pacific and second in the world to be awarded three HIMSS Stage 6 certifications

HIMSS announced today that Apollo Hospitals has achieved Stage 6 accreditations for three HIMSS digital maturity models – the Digital Imaging Adoption Model (DIAM), the Outpatient Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (O-EMRAM), and the Infrastructure Adoption Model (INFRAM). Significantly, it is only the second healthcare provider in the world to attain the Stage 6 DIAM certification.

Apollo Hospitals, which operates over 70 private hospitals with more than 12,000 beds across Asia, recognizes the “severe” shortage of healthcare delivery infrastructure worldwide, with the only way to meet this need being the deployment of “effective technology” for healthcare delivery.

During its DIAM validation, Apollo Hospitals was commended for its use of biomarkers, molecular imaging, and mapping software. It also showed finesse in using graphs and dashboards to understand and manipulate data.

Meanwhile, the group’s patient portal was found to be “one of the finest examples of patient communication” during its O-EMRAM validation. Its patient app features multiple functionalities, including payment options, appointment setting, health monitoring and device integration capability.

Additionally, Apollo’s hospital information system was deemed intuitive and easy to use. Assessors found that the organization has good examples of device integrations for vital signs monitoring.

Apollo Hospitals also reported no unplanned downtime in the past five years; HIMSS noted that this demonstrates the effort they put into IT security.

Committed to having a “pristine” quality of healthcare delivery, Apollo Hospitals said it went through the HIMSS digital maturity assessments as it provided them with a framework to ensure its digital backbone is top-notch and guided by global best practices.

Dr Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director of Apollo Hospitals, emphasized that “this is not just about the maturity of the digital backbone but also the model of effective adoption of the solutions, and thereby demonstrating that an organization can be effectively managed and sustained by consistent and well-coordinated consumption of digital solutions”.

“We are striving to ensure that we can provide personalized care to every individual guided by technology that ensures that we are operationally effective, sharply focused on quality of service, and non-compromising on achieving the highest standards of clinical outcomes bundled with the hallmark of Apollo’s tender loving care,” she added.

Simon Lin, HIMSS VP and Executive Director for Asia-Pacific said: “Apollo has continued to show commitment and consistency in advancing their digital health capabilities to ensure that they can leverage the full potential of digital technology to continue driving optimal patient outcomes. Having already achieved Stage 6 in both the O-EMRAM and INFRAM, Apollo has now become the first in the APAC region and second in the world to achieve DIAM Stage 6, which is truly an amazing feat and a testament to Apollo’s commitment.”

Apollo Hospital

A Precarious Patient With Deep Cut In The Neck From Kite Manja, Was Saved By Doctors At Apollo Hospitals, Hyderguda!

Hyderabad, January 17, 2022: A patient in a life and death condition due to a deep cut in the neck suffered from kite Manja thread, was successfully treated by Apollo Hospitals, Hyderguda cardiovascular surgeons with major surgery, yesterday. The 22-year-old male patient, Mr Ayaan, was profusely bleeding from the neck when brought to the emergency room of the Hospital. Though in a precarious condition, early intervention of the Cardiovascular surgical team at Apollo Hospital, Hyderguda, helped in saving his life.

He was rushed to the operation theatre without losing time. He seemed pale and had an abnormally rapid heart rate with reasonable blood pressure. The injury was intense and had severed several blood vessels including external jugular, thyroid gland and neck muscles. The windpipe too had a cut but the injury didn’t protrude deep inside the airway. Considering the extensive internal injuries, any delay in his arrival and performing of the surgery would have proved fatal.

Dr K Venkat Reddy, Senior Consultant & Chief Cardiac Surgeon; and a team of specialist surgeons; sutured the vessels quickly and stopped the severe bleeding, later neck muscles were approximated and helped stabilize the patient. Later skin and the subcutaneous tissues were approximated and the patient was shifted to ICU care. The patient has since recovered, is conscious, coherent, hemodynamically stable and started taking a soft diet in ICU.