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Tag: The CSR Times Award 2021

Basant Goel- The Owner of Goel Medicos

Basant Goel, Owner of Goel Medicos won the CSR Professional of the Year Award

Basant Goel, Owner of Goel Medicos won The CSR Times Award 2021. Given his experience and long-time tradition of giving back to the community in terms of charity and resources, he’s been nominated for the individual category for his philanthropic deeds.

The CSR Times award is a way of recognizing the efforts made by businesses to contribute to society through the means of their business and uplift those in need. It also helps boost a culture of Corporate Social Responsibility by awarding the title to those who have made significant efforts for the betterment of people.

This winter alone, Basant Goel and his team helped hundreds of people on the streets by providing blankets, masks, and so on. The Goel Medicos team has been providing means of relief to the underprivileged for almost 10 years and one of their biggest contributions has been the annual blood donation camps that help boost the availability of blood especially for the disadvantaged portion of society.

The awards will be presented online due to covid protocols. However, by awarding this title to Basant Goel and those who have been working hard to help people out, they continue to inspire people who are in the position to help.

Basant Goel owner of Goel Medicos said, “It is an honour to be nominated for this title. I want to not only help those in need with my deeds but also show others around me that it is rewarding in many ways to help if you have the resources and means. I hope that future business aspirants are able to look at these awards and see how rewarding it is to be involved in charity.”