DaajiLondon, July 2023: The 50th UK-India Triumph Awards held in the House of Lords, London honoured Rev. Daaji – Spiritual Guide of Heartfulness and President of Shri Ram Chandra Mission for his extraordinary contribution to the world as a spiritual catalyst for a heart-centered approach to life. Daaji has been recognized for playing a vital role in encouraging anyone wanting to evolve as a human being and expand their consciousness through heart-based meditation. The honor also acknowledges Rev. Daaji’s perfect blend of Eastern heart and Western mind. Known for his ability to connect with people from all walks of life, he is able to give special attention to the spiritual development of today’s youth.

The event was hosted by Lord Raj Loomba, CBE, House of Lords. The other dignitaries included Lord Rami Ranger, CBE; Lord Swaraj Paul; Hon’ble High Commissioner of Uganda to UK HE Nimisha Madhvani; Mr. Virendra Sharma, MP; Mr. Bob Blackman, MP; Mr. CB Patel, Chairman ABPL Group; Mr. Mahesh Liloriya Group Editor, Gujarat Samachar.

This happens to be one of Daaji’s first recognitions from the UK among many other recognitions he has received in India and overseas for his contribution to society worldwide. Earlier this year, Rev. Daaji was awarded the Padma Bhushan – India’s third-highest civilian award.

While He was not able to attend the awards ceremony in person, Rev. Daaji – Spiritual Guide of Heartfulness and President of Shri Ram Chandra Mission – kindly sent a video message expressing his gratitude for the award and added, “There is a tremendous connection between Heartfulness and mental wellness. I am happy to hear that the House of Lords works towards bridging the gap between mental wellness especially amongst young people. Heartfulness way is a heart-centered approach to life. By meditating on the heart regularly we can cultivate a lifestyle that helps us dive deeper into our subconsciousness. Heartfulness meditation allows us to transcend the mind itself so we can reduce the impact of stress, burn out and other mental health issues and connect with the heart’s natural energy so we can live healthier and more authentic lifestyles. We are able to sleep better, develop a special intuition, and when at the crossroads of life all answers come from within our hearts. So, the contribution of Heartfulness world over is a great one. Heartfulness Institute is committed to helping people develop inner peace through free meditation and yoga offerings. Around the globe, we have millions of practitioners in over 160 countries with over 16,000 trainers globally. There are over 3,000 Heartfulness practitioners in the United Kingdom alone. I hope that the partnership between the House of Lords and Heartfulness can continue across the UK along with our continued collaboration.”

A trophy and a certificate were presented to Rev. Daaji as part of the award which was humbly accepted on Rev. Daaji’s behalf by his representatives in the UK.

A trained pharmacist, Rev. Daaji turned to meditation and spirituality at a young age, and now through Heartfulness makes the meditation practice easily accessible to millions of seekers worldwide. Through the Heartfulness movement, he has enabled free access to meditation in over 160 countries and has developed value-based development programs for students and faculty in over 5,000 schools, universities, and educational institutions.

From stress management to self-realization, his wisdom, workshops, and personal and group contact programs have helped innumerable people around the globe attain a practical, easy-to-follow lifestyle to streamline their health and well-being. Having authored best-sellers including The Heartfulness Way, Designing Destiny, and the Wisdom Bridge, he continues to serve as a spiritual catalyst to a global community that celebrates the Indian way of life.

He heads the 76-year-old non-profit organization Shri Ram Chandra Mission as its President and has established Kanha Shanti Vanam, as the global headquarters and spiritual ground for practitioners of Heartfulness. Kanha Shanti Vanam, located in Hyderabad, hosts the world’s largest meditation center and millions of practitioners gather from within India and abroad to learn, practice, and serve the community – the heartfulness way. Under his leadership, the 1,400-acre land that was previously rocky, dry, and drought-prone is transformed into a green oasis with a half-million trees – part of the ‘Green Kanha’ initiative to build a completely self-sufficient and sustainable ecosystem.

By Sujata