26th July, Bangalore: Heartnet India is proud to announce the launch of their groundbreaking telecardiology product, ASAAN – an IoT-based solution, aimed at transforming the landscape of cardiac healthcare in India. It empowers physicians to do cardiac health checks at their own clinics with the help of technology and specialist advice. ASAAN is set to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, ensuring access to top-tier cardiac care at affordable costs.

The initiative, which is scheduled to start from Karnataka, Maharashtra and West Bengalin August, has taken a pioneering step by integrating telecardiology into its services. The core vision of Heartnet India is to make high-quality cardiac care accessible to individuals in tier 2, tier 3, and rural areas, leveraging the power of IoT. Heartnet’s Asaan solution will enable health checkups in any corner of the country for any patient, empowering individuals from all regions to access high-quality cardiac care conveniently.

Mr. Arindam Sen, CEO & Director, Heartnet India says, “The introduction of telecardiology reduces the amount of time it takes for doctors and patients to coordinate care, leading to better patient outcomes. This ensures high-quality care, since specialists can quickly review clinical data and make decisions about whether a test or treatment is necessary. It ultimately reduces the risk of incorrect decisions in cardiac diseases in remote areas. The initiative will be cornerstone for healthcare in coming timings”

Asaan will also empower cardiologists to monitor their patients’ health in real-time, facilitating prompt recommendations for medications or lifestyle changes without the need for in-person office visits. This accelerated diagnosis and treatment process not only lowers the overall cost of care but also translates into better patient outcomes and helps save lives. Heartnet India plans to expand its initiative in the next coming three quarters to West Bengal, Karnataka, and Maharashtra in phase 1. They expect to install approximately 1000 installations in the first year of operation. The product has already received approval from the Indian regulator CDSCO, making it a trusted and reliable solution for cardiac healthcare.

Heartnet is keen on forging partnerships with strategic investors, diagnostic chains, and stakeholders committed to enhancing Indian healthcare infrastructure. With its commitment to revolutionising cardiac care and improving health-check services, it is set to drive positive change and create a brighter future for the nation’s healthcare sector.

By Sujata