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Tag: 21K School

Yakshit Agarwal student of 21K

21K School’s Class 2 student designs innovative Solar System game

Delhi, 27 January 2022: World over children have been impacted by the pandemic, having experienced this crisis during critical periods of physical, social, and emotional development. Some have seized the day and gone beyond challenges to discover new possibilities. Yakshit Agarwal, a Class 2 student of 21K School, from Delhi has utilized his time to design a Solar System game on the Scratch portal. The game enables students to learn and explore different planets of the galaxy.

21K School is India’s only online-only school that provides students with personalised learning and flexible education to choose from the Indian, American and British curriculum. Yakshit, who joined 21K School last year class has developed a love for coding that has now helped him to design, innovative games. He started working on the Solar System game on the Scratch portal and completed it within two days.

While playing the Solar System game, one can use the arrow keys to move the rocket around and learn cool facts about planets. In the game, one has to also protect the rocket from purple aliens.

Elated with the invention Yakshit has created, Bhavya Agarwal, mother of Yakshit, said, “Yakshit joined Scratch platform for an extra-curricular activity. We are happy that 21K School gave him that platform to showcase his creativity. There wasn’t scope for Yakshit in his earlier school. But here in 21K School, teachers let students express and showcase their creativity. The school gives students options to do whatever activity they want to do. So this gave Yakshit a platform to showcase what he has learnt. When Yakshit’s teacher recognised his achievement on social media, that motivated him to do more and improve as well. Yakshit also learnt to code and that helped him to develop games. After completing 3 hours at school Yakshit gets ample time for his extra-curricular activities.”

Echoing the sentiments of Yakshit’s mother, Aruna Shetty, Principal of 21K School, said, “Yakshit has made us proud by creating such an innovative game at this young age. Yakshit is a talented student and am sure he will explore more and keep innovating in the future too! Keeping in mind his inclination for coding and designing games, we have always supported him to nurture his love for it and provided him with the necessary encouragement at all times.”

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21K School awarded ‘leading online school of India’ by Education World India School Rankings Awards 2021-22

India’s leading online school – 21K School, has been awarded India’s #1 Leading Online School of India in the Education World India School Grand Jury Awards 2021-22. The award was received by Mr Santosh Kumar, Co-founder and CEO of 21K School recently.

21K School is the ‘only online school’ in India where students between the ages of 3 years to 18 years can choose to study from three curriculums – Indian, American and British. 21K School’s disruptive K-12 education model has created a new category with personalised, affordable and flexible schooling for students regardless of their location or time zone. With over 2,750 enrolled students enrolled from over 400 cities across India and 23 countries, 21K School aims to offer high-quality education that is boundaryless and removes the need for families to migrate to urban cities to give their children access to schools.

Elated by the award, Santosh Kumar, Co-Founder and CEO of 21K School, said, “We are delighted to receive recognition for our work in creating an online-only school. The award from EducationWorld will help provide us with a greater impetus to push ourselves to do more and reach out to more students across the world with our international curriculum that helps students in their journey of self-discovery and create learners for life.”

21K School was awarded the certificate in the presence of over 500 school leaders and principals, including physical schools. For the past 14 years, EducationWorld has been publishing the annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISRA) with C fore — the well-known Delhi-based market research and opinion polls agency. They rate and rank over 1,000 of India’s most high-profile schools on 14 parameters — academic reputation, faculty competence, leadership quality, sports education, etc. EWISR 2021-22 is the world’s largest and most in-depth school ratings and rankings survey based on field interviews with more than 11,458 knowledgeable stakeholders in school education countrywide.